
第5章 推測統計の基礎







5.1 統計的仮説検定の考え方

5.1.3 コイン投げの例

p40 <- pbinom(q = 40, size = 100, prob = 0.5)
p60 <- pbinom(q = 60, size = 100, prob = 0.5)
p60 - p40
[1] 0.9539559

5.2 平均値の検定

5.2.5 Rによる例題演習

simdata <- readr::read_csv("distributions.csv")

simdata %>% 
  summarise(mean_A = mean(distA),
            var_A  = var(distA))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  mean_A var_A
   <dbl> <dbl>
1   2.04 0.373
simdata %>% 
  summarise(mean_A  = mean(distA),
            var_A   = var(distA),
            t.value = sqrt(100) / sqrt(var_A) * mean_A)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  mean_A var_A t.value
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1   2.04 0.373    33.4

5.2.6 \(p\)

1 - pnorm(1.250113) + pnorm(-1.250113)
[1] 0.2112583

5.3 回帰係数の検定

5.3.2 \(\hat{\beta}_1\)の分布のシミュレーション


X <- rnorm(1000, 0, 1)
Y <- 1 + 5 * X + rnorm(1000, 0, 1)

beta1 <- lm(Y ~ X)$coefficients

names(lm(Y ~ X))
 [1] "coefficients"  "residuals"     "effects"       "rank"         
 [5] "fitted.values" "assign"        "qr"            "df.residual"  
 [9] "xlevels"       "call"          "terms"         "model"        
S <- 10000
beta1 <- numeric(S) # 結果の保存
for(i in 1:S){      # 繰り返し開始
  x <- rnorm(1000, 0, 1)
  y <- 1 + 5 * x + rnorm(1000, 0, 1)
  beta1[i] <- lm(y ~ x)$coefficients[2]
}                   # 繰り返し終了
summary(beta1)      # 結果の要約
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  4.885   4.979   5.000   5.000   5.022   5.115 
sd(beta1)           # 標準偏差
[1] 0.03176331
hist(beta1)         # 結果の描画

5.3.6 Rによる分析例

wagedata <- readr::read_csv("wage.csv")

wagedata %>% 
  lm(log(wage) ~ educ + exper,
     data = .) %>% 

lm(formula = log(wage) ~ educ + exper, data = .)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.93442 -0.26396  0.02404  0.27287  1.42863 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 4.666034   0.063790   73.15   <2e-16 ***
educ        0.093168   0.003612   25.80   <2e-16 ***
exper       0.040657   0.002334   17.42   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4017 on 3007 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1813,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.1808 
F-statistic:   333 on 2 and 3007 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
0.093168 / 0.003612
[1] 25.79402

5.4 信頼区間

5.4.2 Rによる分析例

result <- wagedata %>% 
  lm(log(wage) ~ educ + exper,
     data = .)

              Estimate  Std. Error  t value      Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4.66603445 0.063790003 73.14680  0.000000e+00
educ        0.09316802 0.003611751 25.79581 1.000493e-132
exper       0.04065736 0.002334406 17.41658  8.434838e-65
summary(result)$coefficients[, 1:2]
              Estimate  Std. Error
(Intercept) 4.66603445 0.063790003
educ        0.09316802 0.003611751
exper       0.04065736 0.002334406
betahat <- summary(result)$coefficients[, 1]
sigma <- summary(result)$coefficients[, 2]

lower <- betahat - 1.96 * sigma
upper <- betahat + 1.96 * sigma
cbind(lower, upper)
                 lower     upper
(Intercept) 4.54100604 4.7910629
educ        0.08608899 0.1002471
exper       0.03608193 0.0452328
result %>% confint()
                 2.5 %     97.5 %
(Intercept) 4.54095799 4.79111090
educ        0.08608627 0.10024978
exper       0.03608017 0.04523456
result %>% confint(level = 0.99)
                 0.5 %     99.5 %
(Intercept) 4.50161793 4.83045097
educ        0.08385886 0.10247719
exper       0.03464052 0.04667421


tempdata <- readr::read_csv("temperature_aug.csv")

tempdata <- tempdata %>% # 変数の作成・加工
  mutate(daytime = 1 * (18 >= time & time >= 9),
         date    = ymd(date),
         dow     = wday(date, label = TRUE),
         sunday  = 1 * (dow == "日"),
         recess  = 1 * ("2014-08-16" >= date & date >= "2014-08-11"))

result <- tempdata %>% 
  lm(elec ~ temp + daytime + prec + sunday + recess,
     data = .)

result %>% tidy()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic    p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   -0.332    123.    -0.00269  9.98e-  1
2 temp         117.         4.55  25.7      2.09e-104
3 daytime      556.        32.4   17.2      6.56e- 56
4 prec          -2.67      15.9   -0.168    8.67e-  1
5 sunday        NA         NA     NA       NA        
6 recess      -348.        37.4   -9.31     1.40e- 19
result %>% glance()
# A tibble: 1 × 12
  r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic   p.value    df logLik    AIC    BIC
      <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1     0.683         0.681  403.      398. 9.81e-183     4 -5517. 11046. 11073.
# ℹ 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>
result %>% augment()
# A tibble: 744 × 12
    elec  temp daytime  prec sunday recess .fitted  .resid    .hat .sigma
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1  3193  27.9       0     0      0      0   3262.  -68.8  0.00284   403.
 2  2960  27.9       0     0      0      0   3262. -302.   0.00284   403.
 3  2807  27.1       0     0      0      0   3168. -361.   0.00267   403.
 4  2748  26.8       0     0      0      0   3133. -385.   0.00265   403.
 5  2735  26.9       0     0      0      0   3145. -410.   0.00265   403.
 6  2736  27.3       0     0      0      0   3192. -456.   0.00270   403.
 7  2950  28.3       0     0      0      0   3309. -359.   0.00299   403.
 8  3336  29.4       0     0      0      0   3437. -101.   0.00361   403.
 9  3863  30.2       0     0      0      0   3531.  332.   0.00425   403.
10  4328  32.2       1     0      0      0   4320.    7.65 0.00467   403.
# ℹ 734 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: .cooksd <dbl>, .std.resid <dbl>